Many years ago, when I walked in a younger man’s shoes, I was strolling along a path without a certain destination and in no particular hurry to arrive there. Ahead of me along my path, I caught sight of two figures engaged in what appeared to be a meaningful verbal exchange. As I drew closer, the nature of their dialogue became clear to me. Although I did not know them well, each became familiar to me; and together, they made a lasting impression on me as I listened and considered the brief exchange they shared.
Motivation stood directly on my path, erect and proud. Well-appointed, confident Motivation appeared in stark contrast to the object of his discourse. Reclining at the edge of the path slouched Apathy, attired in a well-worn, over sized shirt, baggy trousers, and a baseball cap askew on a mop of undisciplined hair. The contrast was striking. Motivation was enthusiastic in his presentations while Apathy offered mostly uninspired indifference as his contribution to their conversation. As I paused there and listened to the dialogue, I had the feeling they were actors reciting a scripted performance for my consideration and instruction.
“Apathy, how goes your journey?” inquired Motivation in a genuine tone of concern.
“No journey for me…no quests…no goal directed efforts,” mused Apathy as if talking to no one in particular.
“Then shall I find you here always?” asked Motivation, unable to conceal a touch of pity in his voice.
“You, especially you, should not seek me anywhere,” responded Apathy with a hint of irritation evident in his weak voice. “Your journeys should take you to places that I would never choose to go. Any person who chooses between us assures that we shall never share a similar journey to a common destination.” Then, Apathy closed his eyes and Motivation was gone forever from his presence.
I saw both Motivation and Apathy again from time to time, but they were never together again on the path that I traveled. Their brief conversation staged for my benefit, I still believe, served as a lasting reminder that my stroll along life’s path need not be mindless, uncertain, or without a specific destination. Eventually, I came to believe that if I sought Motivation and avoided Apathy during the remainder of my journey, perhaps I could arrive at my final destination having lived a meaningful life; a life that I was allowed to choose because of a brief, unintentional encounter; a brief dialogue, performed for my benefit … many years ago, when I walked in a younger man’s shoes.